Actor Luka Bokšan. Photo by Aljoša Rebolj
Directed by Livija Pandur
Produced by Celje City Theatre
Opening night: April 12 2024
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Pet kraljev: K psihopatologiji neke monarhije (Five Kings: The Psychopathology of a Monarchy) marks the 6th collaboration between directress Livija Pandur and Silence.
The production is based on William Shakespeare's dramas Richard II, Henry IV, Henry V, Henry VI, and Richard III, Olivier Kemeid's play Five Kings: L'histoire de notre chute, and the analyses of Ekkehart Krippendorff, Marilyn French, and Gašper Jakovac.
Pandur’s play wanders the palaces of the bloodthirsty Henrys and Richards. It depicts a time in which a few privileged families were positioned so high above the law that they could nonchalantly discard large portions of the population… and poses a disturbing question: are these times really behind us?